International Cooperation Agreements and International Activities
- PRIAC (International Arnitration Court of the Czech Commodity Exchange in Prague)
- BIAMC (Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Center )
- IFCAI (International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions)
- ISPRAMED (The Institute for the Promotion of Arbitration and Mediation in the Mediterranean)
a) CACI (Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
b) CRCICA (Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration)
c) CACT (Tunis Centre for Conciliation and Arbitration)
d) CCIB (Lebanese Arbitration and Mediation Centre)
e) ICC Morocco (Morocco International Chamber of Commerce)
f) Camera Arbitrale Milano (Milan Chamber of Arbitration)
- NCDR (Pakistan National Centre for Dispute Resolution)
- PTA (Kosovo Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration)
- Camera Arbitrale Milano (Milan Chamber of Arbitration)
- ACIC (Iran Arbitration Centre)
- Russian Arbitration Association (RAA)
- YICCAC (the Yemen International Center For Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation)
National and International Activities
- Following up the latest developments on arbitration on both national and international level.
- Following up United Nations Commission on International Trade law (UNCITRAL) WG II (arbitration and conciliation), WG III (Online Dispute Resolution) meetings.
- Attending the annual meetings of the Eurasia Arbitration Group, 2015 meeting of which has been organized in Istanbul by ITOTAM. Previous meetings were held in Odessa (2010), Batumi (2011), Baku (2012) and Nowy Tomysl (2013, 2014).
- Attending Legislation Working Group on Mediation meetings organized by the Turkish Ministry of Justice, whose aim is to follow up the implemantation process of the Turkish Mediation Act (TMA) and to make necessary amendment proposals with regard to the TMA.
PRIAC (International Arnitration Court of the Czech Commodity Exchange in Prague)
In order to increase arbitration and mediation cooperation between Turkey and Czech Republic, ITOTAM and PRIAC signed a bilateral cooperation agreement. Thanks to this agreement, a dispute resolution network has been established that can benefit Turkish and Czech business people operating in Turkey and Czechia.
BIAMC (Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Center )
In order to increase arbitration and mediation cooperation between Turkey and Indonesia, ITOTAM and Bali International Arbitration and Mediation Center (BIAMC) signed a bilateral cooperation agreement. Thanks to this agreement, a dispute resolution network has been established that can benefit Turkish and Indonesian business people operating in Turkey and Indonesia.
IFCAI (International Federation of Commercial Arbitration Institutions)
As of April 2017, ITOTAM has become a member of IFCAI. IFCAI was established in 1985 and it now consists of 58 member organizations worldwide. The Federation’s aims are to establish and maintain permanent relations between commercial arbitration institutions, foster a broad exchange of information on all aspects of arbitration and conciliation, encourage the responsible use of these dispute resolution techniques and facilitate the exchange of information on member organization services. IFCAI’s periodic meetings are an important forum for discussions and planning for matters of mutual interest in the field: IFCAI Council meets about once a year, while the General Assembly meets every 12-18 months.
The Institute for the Promotion of Arbitration and Mediation in the Mediterranean – ISPRAMED – works to spread the use of instruments of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR – Arbitration and Mediation) in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean trade relations.
The Institute aims to strengthen and consolidate the existing arbitration institutions in the Mediterranean, helping to train legal professionals and disseminate in the business community information of the advantages of arbitration and mediation.
The Institute’s activity is focused on creating a Network among the most representative arbitral institutions of both sides of the Mediterranean basin. The Network should foster the exchange of best practices and elaborate common principles in the management of arbitral procedures
Union For the Mediterranean
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Centre follows the Ufm annual Meetings on “Arbitration in the Mediterranean” among the arbitration centers in Euro-Mediterranean in the light of the project of creating a new Euro-Mediterranean Arbitration Center.
The objectives of these series of meeting are:
-to have a clear common understanding of the initiative promoted to strengthen the use of Arbitration in EU-Med relations;
-to design a shared path with the collaboration of the key players;
-to discuss initiatives and actions in the field o of Arbitration in the framework of UfM projects.
The Network of the Mediterranean Arbitration Centres:
The ADR centres involved in the Network will be the enforcers of international standards of management of the practices, the performers of shared practices and principles which they are developing jointly, as well as the promoters of ADR culture in the frame of the business and legal local community.
The Network, through the direct involvement of local arbitral centres, will elaborate common principles which will guide the arbitral institutions in the administration of arbitration cases. ISPRAMED will lead the Network through this path and will develop a virtuous collaboration among arbitration centers for training of case managers and exchange of best practices.
Each centre will maintain its own rules but will develop a practice in line with the mentioned principles and with the highest international standards. This work will result in a significant advantage for economic operators because they may well rely on several arbitration centres, among which they may choose according to the needs of the specific case, trusting that the same high standards of administration and the same principles will be applied.
ISPRAMED’s Network encompasses currently the following centres:
Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation of Algiers
Cairo Regional Centre for International Arbitration
Milan Chamber of Arbitration
Tunis Mediation and Arbitration Centre
The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Centre (ITOTAM)
Arbitration Court of Morocco
Lebanese Arbitration and Mediation Centre
Cooperation Agreement on Mediation with Milan Chamber of Arbitration (CAM)
Italy- Turkey Mediation Project
The Italy-Turkey Mediation Project aims at assisting Turkish and Italian enterprises involved in commercial disputes giving them support both in Italy (through the Milan Chamber of Arbitration, CAM) and in Turkey (through the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Centre ITOTAM).
File Download
Cooperation Agreement on Arbitration with Kosovo Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration
Permanent Tribunal of Arbitration at Kosovo Chamber of Commerce and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce as of 2013 have signed a cooperation agreement on arbitration to establish cooperation for the purpose of offering Kosovar businesses operating in Turkey, and vice versa, a forum to solve their disputes arising of commercial transactions, by using both institutions arbitration centers.
ITOTAM and National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR)
ITOTAM and National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR) as of February 2016 have signed a cooperation agreement on arbitration and mediation to establish cooperation for the purpose of offering Pakistani businesses operating in Turkey, and vice versa, a forum to solve their disputes arising of commercial transactions, by using both institutions arbitration centers.
Suggested arbitration clause
"Unless otherwise agreed, the place of arbitration shall be the respondent’s country of residence. If the place of arbitration is Pakistan, the arbitral proceedings shall be conducted under the auspices of National Centre for Dispute Resolution (NCDR) which includes its subsidiary International Investment & Commercial Arbitration Centre (IICAC) in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of NCDR/IICAC. If the place of arbitration is Turkey, the arbitral proceedings shall be conducted under the auspices of Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Centre (ITOTAM ) and according to ITOTAM Arbitration Rules."
Iran Arbitration Centre
ITOTAM have established cooperation with Iran Arbitration Centre (ACIC). This cooperation will provide convenience in respect of commercial relationships between Iranian and Turkish businessmen and enterprises and promote arbitration as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism in both countries.
Cooperation Agreement with the Russian Arbitration Association
Russian Arbitration Association and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce have signed a cooperation agreement on 17 November 2017 in Istanbul. The cooperation agreement establishes firm relations between both institutions for the purpose of offering Russian businesses operating in Turkey, and vice versa, a forum to solve their disputes arising of commercial transactions. Russian Arbitration Association undertakes to offer to put Istanbul Chamber of Commerce Arbitration Centre to arbitration clauses of companies doing business in Turkey.
Please click here to view the cooperation agreement.
YICCAC (the Yemen International Center For Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation)
A memorandum of understanding regarding bilateral cooperation was signed between ITOTAM and the Yemen International Center For Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation (YICCAC) on 3 November 2020. The purpose of this agreement is to promote the services of the alternative dispute resolution methods, organize conferences and training activities to develop strategic areas of cooperation, amd to ensure the development of the understanding of arbitration within Yemen&Turkey.
Agreement Content